Views: 2632

MeteoRain® 200 Compact

Product code : 1676276014

MeteoRain® 200 Compact uses a self-balancing measuring principle. It offers high resistance to error producting effects as found in most rain gauges. These include soiling of the internal measuring mechanism, mechanical friction, residual water remaining in the measuring spoon from previous rain event, and debris. Additionally, MeteoRain® offers high resistance to vibrations and non-level mounting.

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  • Nhà Sản Xuât
  • BARANI DESIGN Technologies

    Pluviometer type Accuracy Stability Resolution Measuring range Operating range Starting threshold * Rain orifice area
    Precipitation type: Liquid (Rain) < ±1% for rain rates <100mm/hr < 0.0125 mm
    per year
    0.1, 0.2, 0.25
    mm (0.01”)
    Up to 600 mm/hr in above freezing conditions -40 °C…80 °C Resolution
    + 0.07 mm (0.0027”) *
    200 cm2
    (Ø 16.0 cm, 6.3”)
    Electrical Interface Electrical switching speed Switching resistance Max current Max voltage Surge protection Tipping bucket speed Shock resistance
    Magnetic reed switch 0.25 ms 470 Ω 10 mA 15 VDC Transient protection 0.13 seconds 15 g

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