Wireless MeteoRain® IoT Compact

  13/02/2023    Lượt xem : 2336

Wireless M eteoRain® IoT Compact records rain rate along with the cumulative rain amount to ensure that every rain drop is counted. Designed with a self-balancing measuring mechanism with very high repeatability of measurement and accuracy even during high-rain rates. Highly resistant to soiling of the internal measuring mechanism, mechanical friction, and residual water remaining in the measuring spoon from last rain event. Additionally, MeteoRain® products offer high resistance to vibrations and non-level mounting.

MeteoRain® 200 Compact

  13/02/2023    Lượt xem : 2632

MeteoRain® 200 Compact uses a self-balancing measuring principle. It offers high resistance to error producting effects as found in most rain gauges. These include soiling of the internal measuring mechanism, mechanical friction, residual water remaining in the measuring spoon from previous rain event, and debris. Additionally, MeteoRain® offers high resistance to vibrations and non-level mounting.

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