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Product code : 1489645392

The first instrument in the Nortek Signature Series product line, the Signature75, employs AD2CP technology to extend the range of the Nortek brand of acoustic Doppler current profilers to as far as 800 meters, and potentially beyond.

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    This 75 kHz true broadband instrument brings to market a host of features and benefits carefully developed around the needs of the scientists and engineers working both within academia and in the  offshore industry.  Designed with a broad range of applications in mind, including buoy mounting, the system is rugged, robust, and optimized for operational users, while also offering innovation in data investigation capabilities and accuracy to scientific researchers.


    The system is ideal for investigating:

    • Ocean circulation, including boundary currents, interbasin exchange and transport in and out of the polar seas
    • Numerical model verification
    • Online monitoring of riser loading, with the Signature75 either platform or buoy mounted
    • Transport of contaminants from ocean or shore-based mining or drilling activities
    • Renewable energy studies


    The Signature75 brings to you the convenience of:

    • Smaller size and lighter weight. The instrument weighs 45kg without batteries and the height is less than 40 cm.
    • Hard-iron calibration in post-processing. Calibrate data for hard-iron effects around the sensor platform during post-processing.
    • Ethernet Interface. Download one GB in 6 minutes! Connect directly to your in-house network.
    • Online Software. For initialization and testing of the instrument as well as data visualization.
    • Meticulous QC. Single ping data may be stored.
    • True Broadband AD2CP. Reduced power consumption by a factor of 10-30 compared to more traditional systems.
    • Seasonal Sampling. Power level and resolution may be decreased during less important time periods.
    • Piezo-composite Transducers. Maximize directivity and range, while optimizing efficiency.
    • AD2CP Flexibility. Operate the system at an optional 60 kHz, increasing the range!

    We welcome engineers and scientists from research institutions, government organizations, and the oil and gas industry to contact your local Nortek representative and discuss your online data collection application and the advantages that the Signature75 can offer you.


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