Views: 6826

Q-Eye Radar

Product code : 1489737439

Q-Eye Radar


    Q-Eye Radar
    The Q-Eye Radar is a non-contact open channel flow
    meter. It consists of a radar-based velocity sensor and an
    ultrasonic or radar based water level sensor.
    The system is designed for continuous operation and
    suitable for measurements of flows not only in rivers
    and open channels, but also in municipal waste water
    and storm water sewers. Compact construction combined
    with the contact-free measurement principle enables
    an easy installation and use.
    In some applications it is an advantage to have a noncontact
    measurement. When combining both Radar and
    Water level transmitter, they provide a revolutionary
    approach to open channel and sewer flow monitoring.
    Combined are pulse wave radar velocity sensing technology
    with ultrasonic or radar pulse echo level sensing to
    remotely measure open channel flows.
    The velocities present on the surface are typically within
    10% of the average velocity.
    HydroVision has developed a Finite-Difference-Algorithm
    that yields to an accurate determination of the
    average velocity from the measurement of the surface
    velocity at a know point of the flow surface.

    »»Accurate flow measurements
    »»Easy installation
    »»No need to stop flow
    »»Bi-directional velocity measurements
    »»No need of periodical cleaning as required by
    submerged type sensors (e.g. caused by fouling)
    »»Integrated inclination sensor
    »»Optional surcharge water level sensor
    »»No contact of personnel with fluid during installation



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