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Hệ thống tưới tự động | Valve Actuating Receivers

Product code : 1489552967

Metal Box mounted Aquaterr Valve Actuating Receivers are ideal for high traffic Municipal and Commercial applications. Whether your current system is manual or wired, if you are ready to implement an automated irrigation plan, Aquaterr’s Wireless System may be your best option.

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  • Aquaterr Instruments & Automation, LLC.

    Install in high traffic locations – The radio receiver is securely packaged inside a locked metal box without any protruding objects of temptation to would-be vandals.

    Non-line-of-sight radio signals. line-of-sight transmitters have to be able to “see” their receivers. Obstacles like buildings, trees, and hills block transmissions. With Aquaterr’s wireless system, these obstacles are transparent. Non-line-of-sight also transmits further, which is why the Aquaterr VAR will reliably receive signals for a radius of five miles.

    Lowest cost to automate. The cost of the Aquaterr system is far less expensive than the cost to dig and bury wires. It is more cost effective to replace buried wire systems with the Aquaterr wireless VAR system than to continuously repair wires that have been chewed by varmints or damaged by earth moving equipment.

    Qualifies for water conservation rebates by governments throughout the world when equipped with optional moisture sensors. Check with your local governing agencies to see if a rebate may apply to you. When sensors are used, watering is only permitted when soil moisture properties require watering, as individually programmed for your watering needs. Sensors buried at various depths determine if watering should begin. Safety overrides are individually programmed for each valve to prevent over watering.

    Solar Panels keep Actuators powered up, and when powered-up, can function for several weeks without sunshine! The rechargeable batteries last up to five 5 years before replacement.

    No radio license purchase is required for this radio system and no cellular phone bills. These radio communication airwaves are FREE!


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