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Thiết bị đo phổ bức xạ cầm tay SVC HR-1024

Mã sản phẩm : 1489641657

The SVC HR-1024 spectroradiometer has been designed to produce excellent data, quickly and efficiently under demanding field conditions. Acquisitions through the PDA will provide GPS data for each file. The SVC HR-1024 is unmatched for high resolution field measurements between 350 nm and 2500 nm, setting a new standard within the remote sensing community.

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Thông tin thêm:
  • Nhà Sản Xuât
  • Spectra Vista Corporation


    • Provides the highest spectral resolution of any field portable spectroradiometer operating across this full spectral region
    • Incorporates 100% linear array technology and cooled InGaAs detectors, thus providing superior wavelength and radiometric stability
    • Internal CPU allows measurements to be made without an external computer
    • Designed for minimal set-up & warm-up time
    • Internal memory stores up to a full day’s data
    • Supplied with rugged PDA / Bluetooth for wireless operation, GPS and display



    Spectral Range

    350 nm- 2500 nm

    Internal Memory 500 scans

    Spectral Resolution

    ≤ 3.5 nm,  700 nm
    ≤ 9.5 nm,  1500 nm
    ≤ 6.5 nm,  2100 nm

    Bandwidth (nominal)

    ≤ 1.5 nm, 350 - 1000 nm
    ≤ 3.8 nm, 1000 - 1890 nm
    ≤ 2.5 nm, 1890 - 2500 nm


    512 Si array 350 - 1000 nm
    256 InGaAs array 1000 - 1890 nm
    256 Ext InGaAs array 1890 - 2500 nm

    FOV - Standard

    4º standard

    FOV - Optional

    8° or 14º optional  foreoptic
    25º optional armored fiber optic
    Irrandiance Sphere 
    Reflectance Probe

    Stray Light

    < 0.1% @ 500 nm

    Noise Equivalent Radiance 
    1.0 sec. integration time

    ≤ 8.0 x 10 -10 W/cm2/nm/sr @ 700 nm
    ≤ 1.5 x 10 -9W/cm2/nm/sr @ 1500 nm
    ≤ 3.0 x 10 -9 W/cm2/nm/sr @ 2100 nm

    Maximum Radiance

    1.3 x 10 -4 W/cm2/nm/sr@ 700 nm

    Calibration Accuracy (NIST Traceable)

    ± 5 % @ 400 nm
    ± 4 % @ 700 nm
    ± 7 % @ 2200 nm

    Minimum Integration

    1 millisecond

    Wavelength Reproducibility

    0.1 nm

    Physical Specifications

    Head Size

    8.5" x 11.5" x 3.25 "
    22 cm x 29cm x 8 cm


    7.3 lbs, 3.3 kg

    Host Communications Interface

    RS-232, USB, Bluetooth


    Sealed against dirt and dust

    Tripod mounting

    Standard ¼”-20 mounting holes


    7.4 V Lithium Ion

    Battery life 3+ hours
    • Fixed foreoptics ensure a rugged and reliable optical path
    • Field swappable fiber optic light guide option is available
    • Integral, removable Lithium Ion  battery enhances mobility
    • Critical optical components are hard mounted to the spectrometer platform
    • Provides fast full spectral measurements with no moving gratings
    • Small and lightweight so it is easily operated by one person

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