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Digibar V

Mã sản phẩm : 1490504602

The Digibar V was designed to continuously measure sound velocity near the transducer array of Multibeam echo sounders. The Digibar V uses a 2 MHz transducer and time of flight circuitry sounding across a know distance to measure the sound velocity directly. The housing of the Digibar V was designed to allow for flexible attachment options in order to place the velocimeter near the Multibeam echo sounder’s transducer array.

Số lượng:
Thông tin thêm:
  • Nhà Sản Xuât
  • Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc.

    Body Dimensions:
    • 22.5 cm in length • 4.5 cm square
    Sounding Chamber:
    • Path Length – 63.5 mm
    • Head Material – 316 Stainless
    • Spacers – 316 Stainless
    • Reflector Plate – 316 Stainless
    • Acoustic Frequency – 2MHz
    • RS232, 19.2 k Baud
    Temperature Range (operation) • 1°C to 45°C (typical, other ranges available)
    Velocity Range :• 1400 – 1600 m/sec
    Sample Rate: • > 100 Hz
    Output Rate: • Selectable up to 10 Hz
    Resolution: • 0.1m/sec
    Accuracy: • ±0.2m/sec
    Submersio Depth: • 50 m max. 2.3 DBV J-Box
    • RS232 19.2 k Baud (2 ports)
    • USB (1 port)
    Power: • USB 5 VDC, <5 Watts


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